VII International Conference on Computational Bioengineering

The Seventh International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB2017) will take place on 6-8 September 2017 in Compiègne, France.

You are welcome to submit an abstract into one of the main following topics of the ICCB 2017 :

Advanced modelling techniques and ICT systems
subject-specific and population based modelling
multiscale modelling
multiphysics modelling
molecular dynamics
gene and protein networks
statistical/stochastic modelling
machine learning
connected biomedical tools/E-health
big data management of health, decision support system

Physiological systems at different length scales: molecule, cell, tissue, organ, system, body, population.

The deadline for abstract submission is February 28, 2017. Please see the Abstract submission web page for more details:

The call for minisymposium proposal is still open until January 13, 2017:

Internation Conference on Computational Bioengineering