We are pleased to let you know we are now accepting submissions both for Short Abstracts only (400 words or 3000 characters), as well as Full Papers (2000-3000 words or 5 pages, template available). Please visit the Call for Papers page for more information and links: http://www.embec2020.org/calls/.
If you are interested in receiving news and alerts regarding EMBEC 2020, you can subscribe to the mailing list (click here or see instructions at the end of this email).

At EMBEC2020 we aim at presenting all traditional BME areas, but also to highlight new and emerging fields, such as Artificial Intelligence in Health Care, Tissue Engineering, Bioinformatics, Neurotechnology, Electroporation-based Treatments, and Technologies for Medicine and Biology, to name a few. Moreover, we will emphasize the role of education, translational research, and commercialization of new ideas.
Our goal is to make EMBEC 2020 a platform for engineers, physicists, biologists, and medical professionals to enhance our collective knowledge and scientific achievements by bridging complementary disciplines and new findings into an interactive and attractive forum. We need your contribution and participation at the Conference in order to achieve this important goal!
We would also like to alert to over 20 special sessions and workshops to be organised within the scope of the Conference. A listing of all the sessions, detailing their conveners and descriptions, is available from the website: http://www.embec2020.org/special-sessions/.
Do not forget to mark your calendars! (Download Outlook Calendar ICS or Add to Google Calendar)
Welcome to Slovenia in 2020!
Damijan Miklavčič
Chair of the EMBEC 2020 &
President of the Slovenian Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
Instructions on how to subscribe
In order to continue receiving EMBEC 2020 related information, please use the form available at http://www.embec2020.org/subscribe/ to subscribe.