Journal: Electronics (ISSN 2073-4344)(http://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics)
Section: Computer Science & Engineering
Special Issue “Intelligent Surveillance and Smart Home”
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 July 2021
Special Issue Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Eric Campo, eric.campo@laas.fr, LAAS Toulouse
Prof. Dr. Norbert Noury, norbert.noury@univ-lyon1.fr, INL Lyon
Prof.Dr.Mokhtari Mounir, mounir.mokhtari@imt.fr, Institut Mines–Telecom, Palaiseau

Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
The smart home field has been studied intensively in the last decade, but recent developments in the field of ICT (e.g. wearable devices, wireless local area network, artificial intelligence techniques, human machine interfaces) have enabled the implementation of new services in the home environment such as monitoring the health status of frail people, energy management, advice and support for rehabilitation, home monitoring of disabled people. Advanced artificial intelligence techniques enable the implementation of wearable devices offering a high decision-making capacity to operate actuators or trigger alerts or to choose the right intervention solution without users’ intervention. Numerous emerging applications become possible based on data fusion and processing algorithms and self-adaptive systems. Indeed, the mass of heterogeneous data are very large and require new approaches to make quick and local decisions with low power consumption. Therefore, innovative and flexible hardware and software architectures are expected, as well as adapted and easily usable user interfaces.
While this Special Issue invites topics broadly across the tools, methodology, infrastructure, devices and use cases in real conditions, the particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Wearable electronic devices design for health monitoring
- People’s daily activities data learning
- Human Activity Recognition
- Assisted living solutions, Assistive technologies
- Living Labs for Health and Autonomy
- Self-configurable networks for smart homes
- Smart Homes / Home Networks / Residential Gateways
- Adaptive interaction for home control by users
- Processing and data fusion algorithms based on artificial intelligence
- Smart dust and buried sensors for home environments
- Smart control for energy management
- Heterogeneous data learning
- Internet of Things for smart environments and e-Health
- Middleware Support for Smart Home and Health Telematic Services
- Context Awareness / Autonomous Computing
- Human-Machine Interface / Ambient Intelligence
- Epidemic disease prediction systems
- Human factors in autonomous smart systems
Smart home;
Behavior monitoring;
Ambient intelligence;
Wearable/embedded devices;
Data learning;
Home networks;
Human factor