In the light of the global crisis and many difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and after careful consideration of all available options with all partners involved (IFMBE, EAMBES, the Congress Center and the PCO) we have jointly reached the decision to postpone the EMBEC 2020.
Continuer la lecture de EMBEC 2020 CONFERENCE POSTPONED !Archives de catégorie : Actualités (colloques, …)
2020 IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging 18-24 June, 2020 Saint-Jacut de la Mer, Brittany, France
The 14th Edition of this Summer School is aimed at offering to the best young researchers (PhD students, Post-doctorate, Engineers from industry, Physicians) involved in biomedical imaging an exceptional opportunity to meet, discuss and learn from leading lecturers in an informal atmosphere. This intensive working week takes place in Saint-Jacut de la Mer, (Côtes d’Armor), near the city of Saint Malo.
The 2020 Lectures will be given by Philippe Ciuciu (France) “Recent advances in acquisition and reconstruction for accelerated MRI”, Marleen de Bruijne (The Netherlands) “Model-based Medical Image Analysis”, Jens Rittscher (UK) “Assessing Cellular Morphology and Tissue Architecture”, Vivek Goyal (USA) “Computational Imaging with Particle-Level Modeling” and Laure Blanc-Féraud (France) “Inverse Problem in Fluorescent Microscopy and Super-Resolution”. A Junior lecture will be delivered by a participant to the previous School, to be selected.
For more information and application, see the site
EMBEC 2020, 14-18 June 2020, Slovenia
We are pleased to let you know we are now accepting submissions both for Short Abstracts only (400 words or 3000 characters), as well as Full Papers (2000-3000 words or 5 pages, template available). Please visit the Call for Papers page for more information and links:
Continuer la lecture de EMBEC 2020, 14-18 June 2020, Slovenia16th International conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences
It is with great pleasure that we announce the call for contributions to the sixteenth LALS conference to be held in Nancy from April 3 to 5, 2020.
This conference includes a session on “Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Image and Signal Processing” which covers a broad scientific and application spectrum:
“This session deals with all simulation and modelling, machine learning and deep-learning techniques relating to the processing, analysis, understanding and interpretation of signals and images acquired with spectroscopic, imaging, laser based or biophotonic sensing devices. A particular focus is done on monomodal, multimodal and nonconventional systems such as multispectral, supplemented by data segmentation, fusion, analysis and classification of signals for lesion diagnosis or treatment of all types of human tissues”.
Colloque IMT : Healthcare 4.0 le 15 octobre 2019
Le 15 octobre 2019 aura lieu à l’Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne le Colloque IMT : Healthcare 4.0
Continuer la lecture de Colloque IMT : Healthcare 4.0 le 15 octobre 2019BIOSTEC 2020
The purpose of BIOSTEC is to bring together researchers and practitioners, including engineers, biologists, health professionals and informatics/computer scientists, interested in both theoretical advances and applications of information systems, artificial intelligence, signal processing, electronics and other engineering tools in knowledge areas related to biology and medicine. BIOSTEC is composed of five co-located conferences, each specialized in a different knowledge area.
More information on the conference website :
59e Congrès du Club EEA à Rennes
Le 59e Congrès du Club EEA (Electronique Electrotechnique Automatique) se déroulera à Rennes les 12 et 13 juin 2019 autour du thème « IoT et ville intelligente ».
44e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique à Poitiers, 28 – 30 Octobre 2019
Le 44ème congrès de la Société de Biomécanique aura lieu à Poitiers du 28 au 30 octobre 2019. Il sera organisé conjointement par la Société de Biomécanique, l’Université de Poitiers et le CHU de Poitiers.
Continuer la lecture de 44e Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique à Poitiers, 28 – 30 Octobre 2019Nouvelles sections du “Journal of Neuradiology”
Le Journal of Neuroradiology est l’organe officiel de la SFNR (Société Française de Neuroradiologie), il est édité par Elsevier et possède un Impact Factor de 2,7 (2017 Journal Citation Reports). Ce journal a ouvert depuis Janvier 2019, de nouvelles sections dont une dans le domaine de l’Intelligence Artificielle en Neuroradiologie. Il est donc prêt à recevoir vos manuscrits sur ce sujet.
Prof. Douraied Ben Salem
Rédacteur en Chef Journal of Neuroradiology
ESIEE Paris organise sa première école de printemps en e-Santé
ESIEE PARIS vous invite à participer à sa première école de printemps en e-Santé. Autour de professionnels du domaine, les différents aspects seront abordés au cours de conférences, tables rondes et ateliers découverte. Continuer la lecture de ESIEE Paris organise sa première école de printemps en e-Santé