Three main objectives describe BioSMART. The first one consists obviously in communicating and promoting advanced researches in Bio-engineering applications such as Biomedical engineering, Biometrics, Bionics, etc. Continuer la lecture de 3rd IEEE International Conference on Bio-Engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART 2019)
Archives de catégorie : Actualités (colloques, …)
DeepImaging2019, a Deep learning for medical imaging school – Lyon April 15-19 2019
DeepImaging 2019 is a research training event which will cover the main aspects of the critical and fast developing area of deep learning for medical image analysis. Continuer la lecture de DeepImaging2019, a Deep learning for medical imaging school – Lyon April 15-19 2019
SURGETICA 2019 Rennes -June, 17-18th
Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions: scientific issues, tools and clinical application / Continuer la lecture de SURGETICA 2019 Rennes -June, 17-18th
Prix Jeunes Chercheurs de la SFGBM aux RITS 2019
Journées RITS 20-22 Mai 2019 TOURS
L’édition 2019 des journées RITS parrainées par la société SFGBM , se tiendra à Tours du 20 au 22 Mai 2019. Continuer la lecture de Journées RITS 20-22 Mai 2019 TOURS
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery June 17-21, 2019 : Rennes, France
The CARS conference is a truly international and interdisciplinary conference bringing together radiologists, surgeons, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and other researchers at a unique meeting, where together they contribute to, and in fact lead, the development of novel methodologies and applications in this fast-growing field of technology for health care. Continuer la lecture de Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery June 17-21, 2019 : Rennes, France
Lancement d’un MOOC sur les ultrasons thérapeutiques
Le LabTAU en collaboration avec la Focused Ultrasound Foundation a le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement du premier MOOC dédié aux ultrasons thérapeutiques. Continuer la lecture de Lancement d’un MOOC sur les ultrasons thérapeutiques
IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services
IEEE Healthcom 2018 aims at bringing together interested parties from around the world working in the healthcare field to exchange ideas, discuss innovative and emerging solutions, and develop collaborations. Continuer la lecture de IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services
École d’été internationale “IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging”
du 14 au 22 juin 2018, St Jacut de la Mer, coorganisé par l’Institut Mines Télécom Paris, Brest et St Étienne, le LTSI, INSERM U 1099, Université de Rennes 1 et l’Institut Pasteur. Continuer la lecture de École d’été internationale “IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging”
Conférence NanoMedicine 2018
Since the advent of nanotechnology, there has been a tremendous growth in this field of nano-bio-technology. Continuer la lecture de Conférence NanoMedicine 2018