Nicolas de Pinho Ferreira récompensé du Best Student Paper Award à la conférence BIOSTEC 2020

Pour son article et sa présentation sur ses travaux intitulés “Ambient light contribution as a reference for motion artefacts reduction in photoplethysmography”, Nicolas de Pinho Ferreira, du laboratoire INL à l’INSA de Lyon, a obtenu la récompense du “Best Student Paper Award” à la conférence BIOSTEC 2020, à Malte (24 – 26 Février 2020).

Continuer la lecture de Nicolas de Pinho Ferreira récompensé du Best Student Paper Award à la conférence BIOSTEC 2020

2020 IEEE EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging 18-24 June, 2020 Saint-Jacut de la Mer, Brittany, France

The 14th Edition of this Summer School is aimed at offering to the best young researchers (PhD students, Post-doctorate, Engineers from industry, Physicians) involved in biomedical imaging an exceptional opportunity to meet, discuss and learn from leading lecturers in an informal atmosphere. This intensive working week takes place in Saint-Jacut de la Mer, (Côtes d’Armor),  near the city of Saint Malo.

The 2020 Lectures will be given by Philippe Ciuciu (France) “Recent advances in acquisition and reconstruction for accelerated MRI”, Marleen de Bruijne (The Netherlands) “Model-based Medical Image Analysis”, Jens Rittscher (UK) “Assessing Cellular Morphology and Tissue Architecture”, Vivek Goyal (USA) “Computational Imaging with Particle-Level Modeling” and Laure Blanc-Féraud (France) “Inverse Problem in Fluorescent Microscopy and Super-Resolution”. A Junior lecture will be delivered by a participant to the previous School, to be selected.

For more information and application, see the site

Prix de Thèse 2019 en GBM : Appel à candidatures ouvert !

La Société Française de Génie Biologique et Médical, le Chapitre EMBS de la section française d’IEEE et l’Alliance pour le Génie Biologique et Médical, avec le soutien de la Communauté Stic-Santé, décerneront leurs prix de thèse 2019 lors de l’assemblé générale de la SFGBM en 2020.

Continuer la lecture de Prix de Thèse 2019 en GBM : Appel à candidatures ouvert !

16th International conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences

It is with great pleasure that we announce the call for contributions to the sixteenth LALS conference to be held in Nancy from April 3 to 5, 2020.  

This conference includes a session on “Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Image and Signal Processing” which covers a broad scientific and application spectrum:

This session deals with all simulation and modelling, machine learning and deep-learning techniques relating to the processing, analysis, understanding and interpretation of signals and images acquired with spectroscopic, imaging, laser based or biophotonic sensing devices. A particular focus is done on monomodal, multimodal and nonconventional systems such as multispectral, supplemented by data segmentation, fusion, analysis and classification of signals for lesion diagnosis or treatment of all types of human tissues”.

One page abstracts can be submitted until October 25 2019


The purpose of BIOSTEC is to bring together researchers and practitioners, including engineers, biologists, health professionals and informatics/computer scientists, interested in both theoretical advances and applications of information systems, artificial intelligence, signal processing, electronics and other engineering tools in knowledge areas related to biology and medicine. BIOSTEC is composed of five co-located conferences, each specialized in a different knowledge area.

More information on the conference website :

Prix jeunes chercheurs des RITS 2019

Jade Robert et Charly Caredda lors de la remise des prix jeunes chercheurs aux RITS 2019

A l’occasion des RITS 2019 organisées à Tours du 20 au 22 Mai 2019, la SFGBM a décerné des récompenses aux jeunes chercheurs ayant effectué la meilleure présentation ainsi qu’ayant présenté le meilleur poster.

Les lauréats du concours jeunes chercheurs 2019 sont :

  • Jade Robert (LabTau) pour ses travaux intitulés “Electromechanical Wave Imaging Using High Frame Rate Ultrasound For Cardiac Arrhythmias Characterization”
  • Charly Caredda (Creatis) pour ses travaux intitulés “Real Time Intraoperative Brain Mapping Using a RGB Camera”